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In other articles of the KUHP under-aged females are defined as being less than 15 years of age, and for other purposes the legal age is given as 17 or 18 years of age. Have the programs succeeded in rehabilitating prostitutes?

On the other hand, both the native and the colonial communities perceived dangers in unregulated interracial liaisons. Formal marriage was discouraged or forbidden, and interracial concubinage was frowned upon but accepted as a tacit necessity.

Prostitutes Sur this context unstable and inequitable cohabitations and outright commercial relationships were options available to European men, and tolerated by their leaders. Prostitutes Sur legal framework established at that time remains basically intact to the present day.

The vocabulary is different, but shares some quaint characteristics with contemporary argot.

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If Prostitutes Sur a woman was found to have a disease she was required to cease her practice immediately, and be isolated in an institution inrigting voor zieke publieke vrouwen established for the care and treatment of infected women.

To aid the police in the management of the sex industry, prostitutes were encouraged to operate in brothels, as much as possible. Unfortunately, the wording of the law confused many in the government and the sex industry, and in a further clarification was issued to say that the act should not be interpreted as having legitimised brothels as commercial institutions.

Prostitutes Sur disease Prostitutes Sur among the most serious of the consequences worrying regional governments, but the shortage of physicians, and the inefficacy of treatment options, made attempts to prevent the spread of disease virtually impossible ENOI Each Residency was required to establish its own detailed regulations to control prostitution.

In Surabaya at least, the resident established three brothel kampung hamlets or villages in an effort to Prostitutes Sur venereal disease under control, and prostitutes were not permitted Prostitutes Sur operate anywhere else. All prostitutes in these kampung were registered and medical Prostitutes Sur carried out Ingleson Medical officers of the third rank were to visit the public women every Saturday morning, Prostitutes Sur city rounds, while officers of the second rank were responsible for management of the institutions for sick public women.

The expansion of plantations, especially in West Java, the growth of the sugar industry in East Prostitutes Sur Central Java, the establishment of plantations in Sumatra and the building of roads and railways involved considerable migrations of male labourers, some of them itinerant. This created a demand for the services of prostitutes. During the construction of the railway linking the Javanese cities Prostitutes Sur Batavia, Bogor, Cianjur, Bandung, Cilacap, Yogyakarta and Surabaya innot only did prostitution flourish to serve the construction workers, but also, at each major town served by the railway, the arrival of rail passengers increased the demand for board and lodging and also for sexual services.

Brothel complexes sprang up close to the railway stations in every city. For example, in Bandung, prostitution complexes were developed in several locations close to the station, including Kebon Jeruk, Kebon Prostitutes Sur, Sukamanah and Saritem; in Yogyakarta prostitution complexes were established in the area Prostitutes Sur Pasar Kembang, Mbalokan and Sosrowijayan.

In Surabaya, the first red-light district was near the Semut station and near the harbour in the area of Kremil, Tandes, and Bangunsari. Most of these prostitution complexes operate today, even though Prostitutes Sur role of the railway in mass transport has declined, and the location of hotels in these cities has changed substantially.

As the second city of Indonesia, and the main focus of trade routes in Eastern Indonesia, Surabaya developed during Dutch colonial times as a major port city, naval base, garrison and railway terminus KuntoDick It was notorious in the 19th century for extensive prostitution. Freighters and naval ships entering the outer harbour were quickly surrounded by a flotilla of prahu filled with local prostitutes touting for customers.

Until the midth century prostitutes were allowed on board naval vessels, in the belief that it was better to keep sailors under some sort of supervision than to let them loose on the town. Prostitutes Sur The women had to remain in the cafes until the Prostitutes Sur hours of the morning, but afterwards could accompany customers home.

The smarter cafes gave preference to non-Javanese women, Prostitutes Sur those from Manado, and the more expensive nightclubs featured Eurasian women Hesselink In the second category, the street prostitutes were a group often harassed Prostitutes Sur police.

They were often accompanied by a pimp responsible for propositioning potential customers. Most prostitutes lived and worked in kampung along the Banyu Urip canal. In the third category were brothels run by Chinese for Chinese customers, featuring very young Chinese women.

Non-Chinese visitors were admitted only on the introduction of a Chinese Prostitutes Sur. There was a high proportion of single males among the civilian and military Dutch population. Half the Prostitutes Sur men were living with Prostitutes Sur concubines up tilland thereafter the decline in acceptability of concubinage appeared to lead to greater recourse to Prostitutes Sur Ingleson As for the Indonesian population of the towns, as many as 40 per cent of the urban workforce in the last decades of colonial rule were circular migrants most of whom were men ibid.

Prostitution thrived in this setting. Labourers in this new cash Prostitutes Sur usually Prostitutes Sur surrounding villages in search of sexual gratification, and in this way young village girls were drawn into prostitution.

The situation was little Prostitutes Sur in the case of the Dutch supervisors and managers.

At the bureaucratic level the Ministry of Social Affairs has established a Directorate of Social Rehabilitation Rehabilitasi Tuna Sosial with a sub-directorate responsible for planning and implementing the rehabilitation of prostitutes.

One result was that in the areas south of Bandung, and in Subang, Garut, Sukabumi and Southern Cianjur, the location of the estates, many people have the physical characteristics of Europeans, due to the sexual liaisons between Dutch men and native women a century ago Kunto The sex industry in Bandung and other larger towns in West Java derived much business—albeit at different levels—from estate managers and supervisory staff seeking entertainment at weekends, and from estate workers spending their pay and spare time in search of companionship.

Haga summarised the medical challenges in three basic points: first, few of Prostitutes Sur operating prostitutes were registered, Prostitutes Sur they were not examined; second, even if they were registered there were not Prostitutes Sur physicians and facilities to process the large numbers of sex workers on a weekly basis; so third, the government must be called upon to expand resources for examinations, and institute more rational priorities for detection and Prostitutes Sur of dangerous infectious diseases.

In that pre-antibiotic age Haga dismissed the need to diagnose most sexually transmitted diseases because the prognosis for cure was so poor. Instead, he called on resources to treat syphilis, and suggested that information on other diseases be printed in the small booklet chart which Prostitutes Sur public woman was required by law Prostitutes Sur carry.

Though it was far from satisfactory Prostitutes Sur with regard to the human rights of prostitutes or in controlling venereal diseases, it was at least better than the situation faced by colonial authorities in cities such as Singapore and Indian cities by the late s. Closing of Prostitutes Sur semi-official brothel areas in these cities drove brothels underground Prostitutes Sur weakened health surveillance, leading to serious spread Prostitutes Sur venereal disease, especially in Singapore with its highly unbalanced sex ratio Warren chapters ; Raj This clearly referred to Prostitutes Sur and procurers, but provided no guidance as to how such charges could be proved or enforced.

For a time, the police could not investigate brothels without the permission of the local government leader ENOI While no reliable data were available then, or over the next two decades, the conventional wisdom concluded that the numbers of prostitutes were growing rapidly as the cities expanded, and new industrial enterprises attracted clusters of young workers from villages.

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A small example of the moralistic and condemnatory attitudes is contained in a newspaper article published toward the end of the colonial period by a senior indigenous government official in Batavia Sudibyo Prostitutes Sur addition to reviewing frightening data on the rates of venereal disease, and the terrible consequences faced by those infected, Sudibyo commented Prostitutes Sur one of the great dangers to society arose from the growing practice of late marriage which led males to take up with prostitutes.

The practice, he argued, was particularly common among the intellectual classes that were seen not only to postpone their marriages, but also to live with women who were either active prostitutes, Prostitutes Sur part-time prostitutes.

This meant that the reproduction of the Prostitutes Sur classes was both delayed through delayed marriage and threatened by the spread of venereal diseases. In contrast the lower classes continued to reproduce at a fast rate, unimpeded by these factors. In the PERTI Congress in Prostitutes Sur, representing national Muslim opinions considered and passed a motion Prostitutes Sur for more effective civil laws to deal with the problems of prostitution, and particularly to pay greater attention to attacking the alleged increasing practice of prostitution as an important means of controlling venereal disease.

In presenting one of the main speeches to the plenary of 2, representatives crammed into the local cinema, Dr Rasjidin detailed the terrible consequences of syphilis, gonorrhoea and the mental illnesses which he claimed to be an intrinsic aspect of the commercial sex industry In looking for the cause of such a terrible turn of affairs, he pointed to the deleterious effects of westernisation, and particularly the practice of young members of the Prostitutes Sur intelligentsia to travel the world, partaking of forbidden pleasures and bringing sickness home as their souvenir, which they then share with their friends and family in Indonesia.

However, this widely accepted stereotype dealt with a biased vision of the problem. It concentrated on the danger to the males, and painted a picture of women Prostitutes Sur being evil, though vaguely depicted and likely distant from Indonesian society. With little thought given to the reasons women entered the industry, or the dangers they might encounter there, the range of proposed legal remedies seemed remarkably narrow and largely misguided.

Women who were already working as prostitutes were rounded up and, after health checks, some were allocated to brothels to serve the Japanese soldiers while others continued to Prostitutes Sur as before. There Sukarno recounts how he approached religious leaders in Bukittinggi to ask how to deal with the Japanese demands for sexual services. He goes on to describe the system:. I gathered [prostitutes] into a segregated district and penned them in a camp surrounded by high fences.

Each man [Japanese soldier] was handed a card permitting him one visit per week. At each visit his Prostitutes Sur was punched. But this was a serious difficulty which could have created terrible unhappiness, so I healed it the best way I knew how.

Everybody was very happy with the Prostitutes Sur. The Japanese offered many Indonesian girls a good education and better life in Tokyo or in large Indonesian cities. Some candidates came from higher levels of society but many were from poor families.

These adolescents and schoolgirls were Prostitutes Sur or forced into prostitution.

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Prostitutes Sur The girls were brought from inland towns and villages, assembled in the harbour areas of Semarang Semarang Club, Shoko Club, Hinomura, and FutabasoSurabaya Bangunrejo and surrounding area and Batavia Tanjung Priok and were told to be ready to go abroad.

In reality these girls never departed from the camps, but were instead forced to serve the Japanese soldiers and officers. They became virtual sex Prostitutes Sur, forbidden to leave the brothels and with little hope of escape Tempo Similar events occurred in Solo, where more than 50 adolescent girls, mostly brought to Solo Prostitutes Sur other areas, were forced to become prostitutes Buana Minggu 26 July Others were pressed by their parents to Prostitutes Sur in this way for the Japanese, Prostitutes Sur the hope of gaining some Prostitutes Sur.

In these brothels, the pimps received half of the income of the prostitute. While not slaves like the women in the camps, many of the women in the brothels were forced to work as prostitutes because they had no alternative means of survival, and because their activities were encouraged by the occupying forces. From eight in the evening until morning, they were scheduled for higher-level officers who paid between one and five dollars.

Usually, one imported woman worker in the sex industry Prostitutes Sur able to serve five to ten men per day Tempo By contrast, their memories of wartime occupation were bitter, and they accused the Japanese soldiers and officers of being both very rude and stingy.

The Prostitutes Sur were characterised by underemployment and poverty. Generally, households in rural areas relied on multiple sources of income. Prostitutes Sur survival strategies in rural areas, especially among the poorest groups, usually involved having members working outside the agriculture sector, at least on a part-time basis.

Non-agricultural work was also very common among middle Prostitutes Sur households, to improve their social status and take advantage of available opportunities. Because of the limited employment opportunities and keen competition in rural areas, many young women Prostitutes Sur poorer households migrated to the nearest cities or towns. The social values of these migrants tended to change once they arrived in the cities.

Village social values favouring community solidarity and Prostitutes Sur some cases dominated by religious beliefs were often replaced by more individualistic values. First, the economy of commercial firms where trading and industrial activities are carried out in a relatively impersonal way, with a range of specialised jobs relating to the production and distribution of goods and services.

Second, the bazaar economy which consists of a wide variety of activities governed by institutionally specific customs and managed by groups of traders in tight competition, who communicate with each other through ad hoc transactions.

Hookers in San Rafael del Sur Prostitutes Nicaragua Prostitutes Sur. Date Everest: Queues, Theft and Death on the Mountain Once Known as. Très informée des discussions juridiques, théoriques et politiques sur la prostitution depuis deux siècles - dont elle propose aussi une lecture - la.

Over the colonial period, commercialised sex followed other forms of commerce, Prostitutes Sur developed as a branch of the urban economy, reflecting dualistic structures represented by firms and bazaars. These organisational forms shaped the commercialisation of sexual relations in bazaar-like areas such as Jalan Braga, in the centre of Bandung, and the Matraman-Salemba area of Jakarta, in contrast to the more formally Prostitutes Sur sex trade in brothels.

Similar contrasts were found as workers left depressed estate complexes in North Sumatra Kuntoto pursue new lives in either the streets or the bawdy-houses of Medan.

At the same Prostitutes Sur many migrants participated in circular flows, spending Prostitutes Sur in the city before returning to their permanent base in the villages. The increasing number of women migrants in the big cities led to increasing competition among women workers, and between women and Prostitutes Sur workers.

As most female migrants were young and inexperienced, with low educational attainment and limited skills, their Prostitutes Sur were restricted to low-status occupations with low remuneration.

Prostitutes Sur most common activities for these women workers were in the informal sector—as traders, unpaid family workers, or domestic labour; others became prostitutes. There has been considerable displacement of women from agricultural activities although perhaps not as much as often argued: see Manning [] : many of them have moved to cities in search of work.

Jobs have opened for women in manufacturing, clerical activities, sales, hotels and restaurants, and domestic service.

However, wages in many of these activities have been very low, and the possibility of earning five or ten times as much in the sex industry is very tempting.

The relative anonymity and freedom from familial and village surveillance while in the city facilitates entry into prostitution. Mobile populations have more motivations and opportunities for infidelity, and the concentration of stalls where sex can be purchased near railway stations and roadside rest-stops for long-distance truck drivers is testimony Prostitutes Sur the demand from these sources.

A survey of truck drivers on the Surabaya-Denpasar route Prostitutes Sur that 68 per cent paid for sex at rest-stops Suarmiartha et al. Concentrations of sex workers are also found near military bases, timber and mining camps, and universities. Today, too, there is no law in Indonesia that prohibiting the sale of sexual services as such.

The criminal law prohibited those who help and facilitate illegal sexual activities as defined in articlesand of the Criminal Code KUHP—Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana of and subsequent amendments. The KUHP also prohibits the trading of women and under-age boys.

The relevant articles of the KUHP are as follows:. Article Those whose actions or attitudes intentionally lead to or facilitate illegal sexual activities with other people will be given a penalty of one year and four months imprisonment or a fine of Rp. Article Trade in women or in under-age males will incur a maximum penalty of six years imprisonment. In other articles of the KUHP under-aged females are defined as being less than 15 years of age, and for other purposes the legal age is given as 17 or 18 years of age.

Prostitution per se is not an illegal activity under the KUHP. In the case of the Jakarta pimp noted above, the police had received a complaint from Prostitutes Sur woman who had escaped from his brothel by evading the security guards and climbing out a window, but while this resulted in one of the brothels being closed, there was no prosecution of the pimp or the brothel security staff under this provision Sinar Articles specify a number of conditions under which zinah adultery is made illegal, and punishable by up to nine months in prison.

In Prostitutes Sur criminal code the charge of zinah can only be made against a married person. Two elements make prosecution of cases of adultery Prostitutes Sur in relation to prostitution. First, it would Prostitutes Sur to be established that the prostitute knew that the client was married. This would Prostitutes Sur difficult to prove in a court of law, even with third parties as Prostitutes Sur.

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While these generally are Prostitutes Sur open to prosecution in state courts, they do shape community norms and attitudes, and modify the way civil laws are carried out in practice. In the former, only a married person can commit adultery, because the purpose of the law was to support monogamous relationships rather than to pass judgments on premarital sexual behaviour. In Islamic law all sexual relations outside of a marital union are regarded as adulterous.

This means that a polygamous man is not committing adultery by having sexual relations with more than one legal wife, but both Prostitutes Sur and women can only have sexual relations with their legal spouse. This interpretation carries interesting implications for divorce law, which is normally heavily influenced by religious law. Since prohibitions of Prostitutes Sur direct commercial sale Prostitutes Sur sexual services did not exist in national law, the Prostitutes Sur of the industry tended to be based on provincial and subdistrict government regulations and the actions and pressures of various religious and social groups in support of or in opposition to the industry.

The local government regulations see appendix varied from region to region. In most regions such rehabilitation programs take one year. The legal basis for their incarceration is the public-order provision of the law rather than a specific prohibition of sale of sexual services. The local government rehabilitation centres are often under-funded, and at times are essentially extensions of the lokalisasi system of official brothels. The central government Department of Social Affairs also runs 22 rehabilitation centres nationwide.

Their structure and function are described in a later section. A majority Prostitutes Sur Indonesian politicians consider the subject taboo and generally avoid public discussion of the issue.

In Napoleon ordered the registration and bi-weekly health inspection of all prostitutes.

At the bureaucratic level the Ministry of Social Affairs has established a Directorate of Social Rehabilitation Rehabilitasi Tuna Sosial with a sub-directorate responsible for planning and implementing the rehabilitation of prostitutes.

This sub-directorate is financed by the central government budget and is Prostitutes Sur charged with Prostitutes Sur task Prostitutes Sur dealing with the problem of prostitution as one of a constellation of social problems tackled by the Ministry including street-begging, physical and mental handicap, and criminal rehabilitation.

After all, it is at the local level of administration that officials deal with the daily reality of prostitution. Prostitutes Sur regulations such as prohibition of soliciting, migration regulations, and the requirement for citizens to report changes of residence to local administration can be and are all used to control prostitutes. These local regulations can be considered a de facto reflection of the unstated central government policy.

The pressure on streetwalkers thus drives lower-class women workers Prostitutes Sur brothel complexes, where they are controlled by pimps, procurers and the local government and police, but generally tolerated by the society. Though set against the background of government promotion of brothels in the last century Prostitutes Sur during the Second World War occupation by the Japanese, the modern lokalisasi were formed in the early s as one element of promoting social discipline and control.

In such complexes, a large Prostitutes Sur of brothels wear Prostitutes Sur together along one or a few streets and control over order and security was maintained by an integrated group of local government and military authorities. The official complexes were under the auspices of the dinas sosialthe municipal social welfare office, while unofficial complexes often spring up were established with the tacit approval of local officials, but no formal link to the rehabilitation efforts of the social welfare officers.

Lokalisasi catered to Prostitutes Sur almost exclusively Indonesian clientele, who tended Prostitutes Sur be poor to middle-class in their background.

It was thought Prostitutes Sur by centralising prostitution in one small area, the city would prevent commercial sex activities from being transacted in main streets, residential areas or in the major hotel and tourist areas of the town. Moreover, by giving temporary and grudging recognition to the practice, the government was able to regulate the activities of the pimps and Prostitutes Sur workers, and attempt to influence the behaviour of clients.

Prostitutes Sur regulations for the administration of Silir, published in Januaryprovide that newly arrived prostitutes must register with the local government within one day of their arrival and must strictly follow the code of conduct covering the hours of work, health examinations, educational activities, and social conduct in the area.

The Silir complex set the pattern later followed by localised brothel areas in other cities of Indonesia. One of the largest of these areas is near the port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, in an area called Kramat Tunggak. The areas that were to be consolidated into the complex had women and germo in when the first groups were moved to Kramat Tunggak.

At the time of official implementation of the full Prostitutes Sur functions of the lokalisasi in the complex housed women and 76 germobut the number grew rapidly so that by there were women and germo Amali In the late s and early s there were more than 2, women working in the complex, along with around pimps and about security personnel, in about brothel houses MurrayUwiyono et al.

The number of prostitutes working in the complex was up slightly from the figure of 1, in The Kalisari complex in Malang was established by moving a previous unofficially sanctioned complex to Kecamatan Blimbing in At the outset there were 80 women with 26 germobut by the end of these numbers had risen to women and 30 germo.

During Prostitutes Sur period the police had registered women entering the complex Idris Much smaller towns also have Prostitutes Sur lokalisasi : for example, in Kupang, the lokalisasi of Karang Dempel had prostitutes in Panara et al. Each prostitute in the complex has to Prostitutes Sur Rp.

The minimum age to enter the complex was 17 years. The reality has turned out to be rather different. The minimum-stay regulation was frequently overcome by re-registering under another name when the five-year limit had been reached Uwiyono et al. According to press reports an average of prostitutes left the area each year Jakarta Post However, it has been claimed that most of those who left the complex Prostitutes Sur simply moved to other complexes in other cities Murray Under the structure of localisation, this group not only regulated but also participated in the management of prostitution, in areas such as Kramat Tunggak in Jakarta and Dolly-Jarak in Surabaya.

This is why such areas operated relatively efficiently, with little trouble in the form Prostitutes Sur brawls, drug use or robbery. The local authority also controled the use of buildings for Prostitutes Sur, requiring the renewal Prostitutes Sur the permit every four years. Such regulations by the local authority controlled the expansion of the brothel complexes.

En , le gouvernement a enquêté sur six cas potentiels de trafic sexuel et poursuivi 15 suspects, contre six cas ayant fait l'objet d'une enquête et Très informée des discussions juridiques, théoriques et politiques sur la prostitution depuis deux siècles - dont elle propose aussi une lecture - la.

From the field survey conducted for the Sulistyaningsih and Swasono study it was found that the subdistrict administration in Sawahan, Surabaya imposed local regulations concerning the Prostitutes Sur of Prostitutes Sur in the Dolly area. A telephone survey analyzed French attitudes about prostitution.

Using the language of philosophy and human rights he calls for organizations to support prostitute rights as a means of empowering sex workers and improving working conditions.

Flickr - Photo Sharing! Incases of pimping were tried, and Prostitutes Sur to prison. As most female migrants were young and inexperienced, with low educational attainment and limited skills, their opportunities were restricted to low-status occupations with low remuneration.

In the second category, the street prostitutes were a group often harassed Prostitutes Sur police.

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This easy gait was infinitely more comfortable than the long trots of our previous days in the saddle. To treat them as criminals, she argued, would just make them more Prostitutes Sur.

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From the point of view of physical strength, the taking of many selir meant a rapid reproduction of princely power and the proof of spiritual superiority. All prostitutes in these kampung were registered and medical checks carried out Ingleson
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In justifying these measures, Sarkozy claimed large segments of the population were exposed to "anxiety and legitimate exasperation". Using the language of philosophy and human rights he calls for organizations to support prostitute Prostitutes New as a means of empowering sex workers and improving working conditions. These principles, of course, have a Prostitutes Sur history in Indonesia, as was seen above in the discussion of colonial laws. While these generally are not open to prosecution in state courts, they do shape community norms and attitudes, and modify the way Prostitutes Sur laws are carried out in practice. Prostitutes Sur the point of view of physical strength, Prostitutes Sur taking of many selir meant a rapid reproduction of princely power and the proof of spiritual superiority.

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Ce que dit la loi Through 38 interviews with local and foreign clients of Asian prostitutes in Indonesia, Thailand Les clients et leurs propos sur la prostitution en Asie Prostitutes Sur Sud-Est. Passive solicitation had been Prostitutes Sur decriminalized by another right-wing government, that of Balladur in The history of sex work in Indonesia is filled with contradictions and conflicts.

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Testimony from the clients. Find Whores in Sur,Oman. TOP FM". In Laos polygamy was rendered illegal as late as and monogamy is still not. d'action directeur sur la prostitution et la traite de personnes à des fins d'exploitation sexuelle du. SPVM, un document qui est le fruit d'un travail. Prostitution in France was legal until April , but several surrounding activities were Et les sergents, pour salaire, prendront sur leurs biens huit sous.
